Snap Up Berms

Snap-Up Berms are an efficient secondary containment unit that is used in a wide range of situations. The berm utilizes its containment walls with snap-up supports that are made out of fiberglass rods. The walls are held up so that the interior space of the berm is 100% useable.

Snap Up Berms

This type of spill berm can be used with stationary hazardous containment units like, generators, tanks, and much more. Snap-up berms are made to fit your specific needs.


  • Fiberglass rods used to hold up walls
  • 100% usable interior space
  • Collapsible walls for convenient storage
  • Designed to your specific environment


  • Stationary hazardous containers
  • Generators
  • Tanks
  • Pumps
  • Drums

Types of Spill Berms

Environmental Products

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